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KtJet is no longer supported. We recommend using FastJet instead.

KtJet is a C++ implementation of the K jet algorithm; it follows closely the features available in the Fortran implementation by Mike Seymour.


Release of KtJet 1.08

KtJet-1.08 provides a library called KtJet instead of KtEvent.


Release of KtJet 1.07

KtJet-1.07 includes only changes to the build system. Most importantly there is an option "configure --with-double-precision" to compile using double precision variables.


Release of KtJet 1.06

KtJet-1.06 fixes a bug that caused a segmentation fault when the number of input particles was zero.

KtJet is a simple and portable software package which only depends on the STL and the CLHEP libraries. It is designed to run stand alone and to be used by any high energy physics experiment where clustering of objects into jets is required. The authors' only request is that users reference the KtJet paper (Comp. Phys. Comm. vol 153/1 85-96 (2003)) in any work which has used the KtJet implementation.

Any suggestions of additions or improvements to the code will be gratefully accepted and considered by the design team. All submissions should be directed to the KtJet developers' mailing list or to Jon Butterworth, Brian Cox or Ben Waugh.

If you would like to be informed of changes to KtJet, send an e-mail to majordomo@cedar.ac.uk with the following command in the body of your message: subscribe ktjet-announce