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UCL/HEP 2002-02
October 2002

KtJet : A C++ implementation of the $K_\perp~$clustering algorithm

J. M. Butterworth$^1$, J. P. Couchman$^1$,
B. E. Cox$^2$ and B. M. Waugh$^1$

\( ^{1} \)Department of Physics and Astronomy
University College London
Gower St. London WC1E 6BT

\( ^{2} \)Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL


A C++ implementation of the $K_\perp~$jet algorithm for high energy particle collisions is presented. The time performance of this implementation is comparable to the widely used Fortran implementation. Identical algorithmic functionality is provided, with a clean and intuitive user interface and additional recombination schemes. A short description of the algorithm and examples of its use are given.

Keywords: Jet Algorithms; QCD

Jonathan Couchman 2002-10-02