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This paper is intended to be an introduction to the use of KtJet. For a detailed explanation of the $K_\perp$ clustering algorithm, its properties, and the physics motivation behind it, the reader is referred to [1] and references therein. The KtJet package implements all the features of the Fortran implementation of the $K_\perp~$algorithm [2]. The philosophy throughout has been to design an interface that users of the Fortran code will recognise, but which exploits the advantages of object-oriented design. Therefore the names and functions of the input parameters are retained wherever possible. The KtJet library, examples of its use and detailed documentation are all available on the KtJet website, http://www.ktjet.org/, which also provides a link to a CVS repository from which the latest version of the source code may be obtained.

Jonathan Couchman 2002-10-02