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Although in practice most users will not have to face the issue, it is
worth bearing in mind that recombination schemes 1 to 5 are not
guaranteed to lead to monotonic resolution variables, i.e. it is NOT
necessarily true that
, where and are the
resolution variables before and after recombination respectively. This
means that, physically, the question ``How many jets are there at a
particular scale ?'' may not have a unique answer. In KtJet, as
should be clear from section 2.2, for a particular value
set by findJetsD, the largest value of (i.e.
the first place at which
) will be returned by
getNJets. Similarly, there may be no value of
which a particular event has jets. There will however always be a
value at which the event changed from to jets,
which is the value returned by getDMerge. The above
discussion also applies to the variables and associated methods.
Jonathan Couchman