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Adding new functionality

KtJet interfaces with its recombination and jet resolution schemes via purely abstract base classes called KtRecom and KtDistance respectively. The packaged code comes supplied with 5 Recombination and 3 jet resolution schemes, shown in table 2 along with their angle and recom flags. Users can define their own recombination and jet resolution scheme classes which inherit from the base classes KtRecom and KtDistance and use these instead of the supplied schemes. To use their own scheme the user needs to pass pointers to the base classes, instantiated as their own scheme objects, in the KtEvent constructor instead of the integer flags.

Table 2: The names of the jet resolution and recombination classes included in KtJet.
Flag Class Name  
angle = 1 KtDistanceAngle(int type)  
angle = 2 KtDistanceDeltaR(int type)  
angle = 3 KtDistanceQCD(int type)  
recom = 1 KtRecomE  
recom = 2 KtRecomPt  
recom = 3 KtRecomPt2  
recom = 4 KtRecomEt  
recom = 5 KtRecomEt2  

As an example, if the user defines a new jet resolution scheme in the class KtDistanceNew, and wishes to use the $E$ recombination scheme in an $ep$ collision, the inclusive KtEvent constructor should be called as follows:
KtDistance* distance_scheme = new KtDistanceNew(2);
KtEvent ev(particles, 2, distance_scheme, 1, rparameter);
If the user defines a new recombination scheme in the class KtRecomNew, and wishes to use the angle=2 scheme in a $pp$ collision, the inclusive KtEvent constructor should be called as follows:
KtRecom* recom_scheme = new KtRecomNew();
KtEvent ev(particles, 4, 2, recom_scheme, rparameter);
Users are invited to submit any such additions to the authors for inclusion in future releases.
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Jonathan Couchman 2002-10-02